Resources & Teachings

Faith-Filled Resources


Bible Studies & Devotionals

Our Bible Studies and Devotionals are designed to help you dive deeper into the Word of God, strengthen your faith, and apply biblical principles to your everyday life.

🔹 Weekly Devotionals – Short, powerful reflections to inspire and encourage you on your journey of healing and growth.
🔹 The Proverbs 31 Woman Study – A guided study to help you embrace the strength, wisdom, and purpose of the Proverbs 31 woman.


Prayer Resources

Prayer is powerful, and we are here to support you in building a stronger prayer life. Our resources include:

🔹 Guided Prayer Journal A downloadable journal to help you record your prayers, reflect on God’s promises, and track your spiritual growth.
🔹 Prayer Requests – Share your prayer needs with us, and our team will pray with you as you seek breakthrough.


Spiritual Growth Materials

Explore teachings, books, and articles focused on growing spiritually and emotionally: the path of transformation.

🔹 Video Teachings & Sermons Empowering messages and teachings to help you rise from brokenness to breakthrough.

Practical Applications for Daily Life


Life Coaching & Mentorship Tools

As part of our mentorship programs, we offer practical resources to help you apply biblical principles to your everyday challenges.

🔹 Personal Development Workbook A resource to help you identify your strengths, set goals, and track your personal growth.
🔹 Life Coaching Sessions Access one-on-one mentorship to help guide you in overcoming challenges and walking in purpose.


Financial & Practical Empowerment

Empowering women to manage finances and make wise decisions in all areas of life is crucial. Our resources include:

🔹 Financial Stewardship Workbook Practical steps to help you gain financial wisdom and manage your resources with integrity.
🔹 Budgeting & Planning Tools – Tools and templates to support your financial and life planning.

Teaching & Sermon Library


Empowering Sermons

Our founder, Mrs. K. Duncan, shares powerful sermons and teachings rooted in biblical truth that will inspire you to rise above life’s challenges. These teachings focus on healing, empowerment, and transformation.

🔹 Featured Sermons – Listen to empowering messages designed to encourage and uplift you in your journey of faith.
🔹 Sermon Series – Series focusing on key themes such as healing, strength, breakthrough, and walking in your purpose.


Prophetic Insights

As a prophetess, Mrs. K. Duncan also shares prophetic words and insights that guide the ministry and encourage spiritual growth. These insights are meant to help you align with God’s will and embrace His promises in every area of your life.